Restore Mission

Restore Community Church Mission is to raise up fervent believers of Jesus Christ who will reach the lost and all those who are seeking God in their lives. Restore is not the only correct church but we believe that all churches are here to reach the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We will work with all other churches in our community to promote the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our only intention is to be the voice God has called us to be in a dark world that desperately needs to know our Lord and Saviour.

Our Core Values

Core values are what we consider important for unity and are the foundational truths upon which all activity must be based. We as believers are encourage to be like-minded and one in spirit. (Phil.2:2). We are committed to upholding Biblical values. We are committed to the following values:

Jesus Christ

We believe that every person who confesses that he is a Christian must have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The only way to God the Father and the Holy Spirit is through Jesus Christ.

The Word of God

We believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God. It is our final authority for living, teaching and instruction to all who choose to live a Godly life.

The Holy Spirit

We believe that He is God and that every believer needs to be filled with His presence. It is also important that we develop the fruits of the Holy Spirit and seek to use the gifts of the Holy Spirit for the benefit of others.


God seeks true worshipers and we need to live a life of worship to our God through intimate worship.

A Lifestyle of Prayer

We should always be people of prayer. Prayer should be like the very air we breathe. We pray continually seeking God’s will to be done in our lives.

Godly Character & Integrity

We must always demonstrate true Christian character and integrity in all our relationships, the way we conduct our lives, at home and in our placement of influence.

Family & Relationships

We are a loving people and it is imperative that everyone is cared for, accepted, respected, valued and loved so that they will have a sense of belonging.

Ministry as a Body

Jesus is the head and we are His body called to do His work on this earth. Every believer needs to find her or his place in the body and function with the gifts and talents God has given them.

Excellence for His Glory

We are called to bring glory to our God therefore we will do church and life, in a manner nothing short of the best, with our God-given ability and talents.


We are here to serve with the example of Jesus; therefore we will develop our God given-abilities to serve others in the body and the world.